SALEM: Footage From The Studio Posted Online

April 15, 2009

Long-running Israeli extreme metallers SALEM have posted a four-minute video clip (see below) containing footage collected over the past couple of months in preparation for the recording of the band's new album, "Playing God And Other Short Stories". The clip includes a taste of a cover song (drums only),some warm-up routines and footage of drummer Nir Nakav's studio.

SALEM's new CD will contain a song called "Heartbeat" which was previously described by the band as "a 13-minute long percussive ordeal."

The group's last album, "Necessary Evil", came out in June 2007 via Season of Mist. The follow-up to 2005's "Strings Attached" included a 27-minute piece entitled "Once Upon a Lifetime Parts I - V".

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